NCC Bank brings NCC Current accounts with additional benefits for businesses and economic development of the country. With unlimited transaction facilities, cheque book and SMS alart facilities this account will give smooth banking facilities to the customers.
- Any Bangladeshi citizen (preferebly income source is business)above 18 years can open this account.
- All sorts of Firms, Institution, Organization and Companies, Club, Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Venture, Private Ltd Company, Public Limited Company, Trust, NGO/NPO,Society, Educational Institute, Religious Institute, Trading/Service/manufacturing Corporation, and other(to be mentioned properly and allowed by BB/BFIU policy) are eligible to open this account.
- Locally incorporated foreign companies, permitted foreign national & institution.
Availability: ALL NCC Branches & Sub branches.
Minimum Initial Deposit Amount: Tk 1,000/.
Interest Calculation: No Interest is applied in this account.
Joint Applicant Option: Applicant can open account either in the single name or in the joint names.
Debit Card: Applicable only for Individual.
Cheque Book: Branch will issue cheque book against the account.
Account Maintenance Fee: As per schedule of Charges of NCC Bank.
Account Closure Fee: As per schedule of Charges of NCC Bank.
Tax, Excise Duty & VAT: Will be deducted as per NBR rules.
Key Benefits:
- No limit in number and value of transactions.
- Internet Banking facility.
- SMS alert facility.
- Free online transaction.
- ATM cash withdrawn apart from NCC ATM is free all over the country.