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NCC Bank Remittance Service

Special rate of interest in saving account

Interest at a higher rate (1% + to existing rate) in Saving Accounts of the Wage earners/beneficiaries.

Loan for land purchase at a required interest rate

Finance by way of land mortgage loan to purchase land at 50:50 debt- equity participation by remittance sent and rebate @ 2% on total interest if the loan is repaid by remittance sent.

Loan for construction of house at reduced interest rate

Finance to construct house at 30:70 equity-debt participation against proceeds of remittance and rebate @ 2% on total interest if the loan is repaid by remittance sent.

Advance against remittance sent

Advance payment up to Tk. 10000/- against regular monthly remittance against guarantee from a valued client/local dignitary..

Priority in Finance for investment in Trade and Industrial Project

Financing SME project undertaken by the expertise/ beneficiaries with their remittance proceeds at 30;70 equity debt ratio at a prime rate of interest.

Profit at special rate on term deposit

Special rate of interest on FDR for Tk.2.00 lac and above issued from remittance proceeds.