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NCC Bank Financial Literacy

Financial Literacy refers to the awareness and knowledge on financial matters and services that effectively facilitate the skill, behavior, and attitude of an individual towards impactful financial decisions which are helpful for personal wellbeing as well for the society. To ensure financial literacy for all class of people, NCC Bank has established Financial Literacy Wing in 2022. The wing is working with all the Branches, Sub-branches, and Divisions of the bank under the supervision & monitoring of Bangladesh Bank.
To facilitate the activities of the newly formed wing, the bank has taken various necessary measures as follows:

  • NCC Bank has established Financial Literacy Corner at 126 branches of the bank for underprivileged and marginal people across the country.
  • A dedicated help desk named Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Help Desk has been maintained at each branch/sub-branch/unit office/agent outlet to share information about financial literacy with the customers.
  • A dedicated official has been assigned at Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion Help Desk who will be responsible to create awareness about financial literacy on branch level.
  • Financial Literacy Wing has published a Financial Literacy Booklet as part of the movement of escalate Financial Literacy for every section of the society .

For more information on Financial Literacy, Please visit Bangladesh Bank Financial Literacy website